Sunday, May 14, 2017

France: Paris Museums and Arc de Triomphe

Sunday was Mother's Day so we decided to surprise Georgia with some flowers and a Burberry scarf. They were staying in a different neighborhood than us so we walked about 20 mins to get to their place. We passed this cute store on the way and had to get a pic!

Loved the Saint Germain neighborhood with lots of cute shops and restaurants!

Adam's parents and the Masleys (family friends) stayed in a gorgeous apartment with rooftop views of Paris...

Bill and Georgia...

Next we went on a tour of museums! Our first was the Rodin Museum where we saw the famous sculpture The Thinker...

and The Gates of Hell...

We then had a quick lunch, I got a croque madame and nutella crepes for dessert!

We then went to the Orsay Museum which was one of my favorite museums that we saw. It was originally built to be a railway station but the platforms became too short as the trains got longer.

The famous clock...

 It has lots of impressionist paintings by Monet, Van Gogh, Degas, Renoir, Cezanne, etc.

Our last museum of the day was the Orangerie Museum which houses eight Water Lilies murals by Claude Monet, who is my favorite painter. I loved staring at the large panels of his beautiful work...

We then walked a few miles down the Champs Elysees which ends at the Arc de Triomphe.

the ceiling of the Arc de Triomphe

We met up with the rest of our group and got dinner at Teresa's favorite place: McDonalds!
Then we headed to the Eiffel Tower, stay tuned!

1 comment:

Pal & Hatty said...

How fun to see all of those wonderful museums! You and Adam both look so good in all of the pictures - I love the one of the two of you in front of "Gigi's"! I am so glad that you had this opportunity to really enjoy Paris!