Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Utah: Mickelsen Family

We also got to stay with my parents and had a great time there! We went on nightly walks together and the views were beautiful...

spotting some deer in my parent's yard...

playing with cousins...

two little superheros

my sister is on the Elk Ridge City Council so I had to help a little with the city celebration. She organized a parade, dinner and carnival that the kids loved! It was a lot of work!

And our yearly girls lunch at one of my fave places to eat ;)

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Utah: Craw Family

We spent a few weeks in Utah this past summer and stayed with both of our families. The kids always love getting to play with their cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents! 

Swimming in the hot tub

roasting marshmallows with Grandpa

swimming at Aunt Anne's pool

they love putting Kramer in the pool to cool off!

jumping off the diving board with Kate!

taking a little snack break

 picking berries in Grandpa's garden

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Ragnar 2016

This year Adam and I ran Ragnar again with family. For those not familiar with Ragnar it's a team of 12 people (split into two vans) and you each take turns running relay style from Logan to Midway. Each runner has three legs and the total miles of the entire course is about 200 miles. The total distance of my three legs was 19.1 miles. It was fun being able to run in the same van with Adam this year since last year we were in different vans. We had a super early start time of 4 AM and I was the first runner. Here I am all ready to go...

passing off to Adam...

Go Adam!

After both of our first runs...

On my second and longest run of 8.6 miles...

Our van decals. We got to pick an animal for each of our runs since our team was named 'Where the Wild Things Run!'

At the finish line...

With our whole team, we had such a great team and such a blast together!

And of course a huge thanks goes to Grandma and Grandpa for watching our kids so we can run this crazy race!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Last Day of School

Gigi's last day of Kindergarten was June 7th. She had a great year and made lots of new friends. I can't believe how much she has grown up from looking at this picture comparing her first day from her last day...