Sunday, May 15, 2011

Gigi's 1st X-ray

So on Sunday Gigi got her 1st X-ray. She hurt her right arm the night before but we thought she had just sprained it and that it would be better the next day. Well, after a sleepless night we decided we better visit the urgent care and have a doctor take a look.
He sent us to get an x-ray, which Gigi hated. She cried the whole way thru it and not even her favorite book, That's Not My Doggie could cheer her up. When the x-rays came back clean (no broken bones, thank goodness) the Dr said it was most likely just a dislocated elbow. So he snapped it back in place and Gigi was back to normal about twenty minutes later. It was a pretty eventful day and we're so glad that everything turned out okay.


Joan Morris said...

How traumatic for you and Gigi. Hope she's feeling better.

Kay Hinton said...

Oh, poor Gigi. I'm so glad it all turned out okay.

Pal & Hatty said...

I am so relieved that Gigi is OK! Sometimes the diagnosis and the cure are worse than the injury! Do I see some hints of cuirl in her hair?

Carina said...

I'm glad Gigi is okay! Those surprise moments are so scary!

buddy said...

Dislocating an arm is so easy to do on a toddler! I'm glad that all was o.k. Cindy