Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hangin' with the Craws!

The fist part of my visit to Utah was with Adam's family. Adam's grandma Jim was also there and we had a great time doing crossword puzzles and playing the card game golf. We even went to Logan for a day so I could get my hair done (thanks to my fabulous mother-in-law) and eat at my old stompin' grounds, Firehouse Pizzeria. I also had a fun shopping trip and night out with my sis-in-law.
Adam's mom made the famous Lemon Risotto that we learned how to make on our trip to Italy. Mmmmmm, it was so good!
Gigi with her great Grandma Landis
Gigi with her cousin Caroline


triciathomas said...

Looks like fun!!! I love that lemon risotto!!!

Elise said...

Days of sunshine around here seem to be few and far between, lucky you got to enjoy one of them. Joslyn has that same "adorable" shirt. Gigi is such a pretty baby!