Liam turned four years old on April 11th. His monthly stats are:
Height: 40.3 inches; 49th percentile
Weight: 37 lbs; 59th percentile
My little boy is four years old. Liam still loves all things superheroes, especially Captain America! He also loves Paw Patrol, PJ Masks, Ninja Turtles, and of course Star Wars. He loves almost every single fruit (especially strawberries and blueberries) and he could drink his weight in juice! He loves to give mommy and daddy hugs and kisses and he also loves to cuddle. Here are his monthly photos...

and a silly photo, of course!
how old are you, Liam??
He is growing up so fast! He is a handsome little guy!
He is growing up so fast! He is a handsome little guy!
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