Sunday, February 24, 2013

Gigi's 3rd Birthday

On February 19th Gigi turned 3 years old. Grandma Craw flew out to celebrate with us (and also to help me unpack and move in!). She got lots of presents but I think her favorite was the Rapunzel dress that Grandma gave her! And excuse the wrapping, it was a busy week for us!
giving a thank you hug to Grandma
our little princess :)
Since Gigi loves ice cream so much, Grandma got her an ice cream cake!

Later that weekend we had a little party with some of Gigi's friends in our new ward. Even with all the unpacking we did, I found a little time to hang some decorations...
We had pizza and purple Rapunzel cupcakes!
Getting ready to blow out her candles...

1 comment:

Pal & Hatty said...

What a great birthday party! I love the cupcake with the little princess on top! Gigi sure loves that Tangled dress and braid!