Friday, November 19, 2010

Nine Months Old (Gigi's Monthly Photo)

Gigi turned nine months old on November 19th. Here are her monthly stats:
Height: 26 1/2 inches; 10th percentile
Weight: 15 lbs; 5th percentile
Head: 43 1/4 cm; 20th percentile

Gigi loves music and whenever she hears it she bounces up and down and shakes her head back and forth. She is quite a little dancer! She has also started to feed herself which makes it much easier on me come mealtime. Gigi also loves shoes. Whenever she sees them laying around she makes a beeline for them. Uh oh, is this a sign of things to come?!


Pal & Hatty said...

What adorable pictures! I want to see her "dance" - I miss her so much!!

James and Tricia Thomas said...

She honestly gets cuter and cuter every single day!!! I miss little Gigiers!! Violet always tells me how much she loves Gigi!