Friday, April 30, 2010


Gigi had her second round of shots yesterday and she had to get two shots, one on each thigh. It breaks my heart to see her get them but I know how important immunizations are. Poor little girl!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Go Lakers!

Now that the playoffs have begun I can pretty much count on having Adam glued to the tv, especially when the Lakers are playing! And this is how he likes to watch his favorite team! He's already told me that Gigi is a Lakers fan and I wouldn't be surprised if one day he comes home with a Lakers onesie for her!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Two Months Old (Gigi's Monthly Photo)

Here are her monthly stats: 
Height: 22 inches; 35th percentile 
Weight: 9 lbs 10 oz; 20th percentile 
Head: 38 cm; 30th percentile 

Monday, April 12, 2010

Family Photo Day

Yesterday after church we decided to snap a few family photos of us all dressed up. I just love her cute little Easter dress!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nursery Pics: Breakfast at Gigi's

Even before I found out I was having a girl I was plotting how I'd decorate the nursery. I even created a mood board in Photoshop so I could make sure everything went together perfectly.  Of course the main color had to be PINK but I also used tiffany blue and black and white. I re-painted the dresser and bookshelf, which I already had and I'm really pleased with how it turned out.
The changing table is just a changing pad put atop a bookshelf with doors that I added cute flower knobs to make it more girly. The ABC Love print brings a modern feel to the room.
The adorable crib set that my sister and mom sewed for me. THANK YOU, I love it!
As soon as I found the pink dachshund night light I knew I had to have it. I love the whimsical effect it adds to the room!
I love my Eames Rocker (mine is a knock-off). It is so comfortable and versatile that I've been known to drag it in front of the tv and rock Gigi to sleep in it.
The piggy bank is a gift to Gigi from her dad that he picked up in NYC. And I love cupcakes so much that when I found this little lacquer box I knew it had to go in the room! Pig&cupcake 
I also framed the pic we used in her birth announcement. Her handprints and footprints we did ourselves when she was 9 days old (not an easy task!). giginurserypics

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! I had to snap a pic of her with lots of Easter eggs!